Welcome to Para V

The Para V (Para 5) Swim Challenge is aimed at para, adaptive and disabled open water swimmers to stand alongside the classic swim challenges. Participants in this challenge (“Paraticipants”) pick their own swim locations; the only conditions attached to the challenge is that swimmers have to complete five observed 5km swims in five different locations and ideally one of those is in the sea. It is essentially that simple.
Paraticipants can swim in a wetsuit or skins. All you need to do is let us know you are going to undertake the challenge (after reading the rules) and afterwards send us all the details of your swims on the appropriate form.
We ask you to share your disabled-accessible swimming places to help others choose where to do their swims and so build up a database for the para open water swimmer. Whilst centred on the disabled, the Para V is open to all.
The Para Icy V (Icy 5) Swim Challenge is a variant on this as it is a series of five 500m ice swims.
I hope to welcome you to the Para/Icy V Club very soon!
Jonty Warneken